Experience change and healing tailored to your lifestyle and needs. Step back into control with this powerful mind/body technique.
Know Her Professional Career
Jolene is a Board Certified Clinical and Medical Hypnotherapist with the National Guild of Hypnotists. The oldest and most prestigious hypnotherapy membership organization in the world. She also has advanced education and training in the area of Complementary Medical Hypnosis with the Guild. Jolene received her Medical Hypnotherapy training and experience as a staff member of the LDS Hospital Pain Clinic, where she worked with chronic pain patients for over 12 years. Jolene is a Certified HypnoBirthing® Instructor with the International HypnoBirthing® Institute and has taught over 1800 couples in the past 16 years. Her 28 years of hypnotherapy experience include being a staff member and teacher with the Utah School of Hypnosis and work at the Positive Changes Hypnosis Center. Her areas of expertise include: Chronic Pain Management, Stress and Anxiety Reduction, Insomnia, Weight Reduction, Smoking Cessation, Self Esteem Enhancement, Athletic and Performance enhancement, Study Skill and Memory Enhancement, HypnoBirthing® and more.
Jolene Shields, C.Ht
Certified Medical Hypnotherapy, Mind/Body Coach and HypnoBirthing(R) Faculty
“I see the challenges and choices in my life as my gift to myself and my clients. I seek to learn from every opportunity and interaction with others in each moment.
With that commitment to each client, it is my desire to assist my clients in transforming their consciousness and empowering their lives.”

Latest from Our Blog
5 ways that hypnosis can help improve your mind
Every day I receive Google updates from all around the world on the use of hypnosis in different countries and for different treatments. Recently I received an update that I wanted to share with you. While the U.S. seems ruled by Big Pharma, outside of the U.S....
Pain Management with Hypnotherapy
You may have read my history with hypnotherapy on this website. I was in a severe care accident in 1985 and suffered nerve damage to my head and neck (Occipital Neuralgia) and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. This caused a severe migraine like headache for 3 years along with...
Client Testimonials
A 2006 Survey of Psychotherapy Literature by Alfred A. Barrios, PhD. & Clinical Psychologist (UCLA) Revealed the Following Recovery Rates: Psychoanalysis: 38% Recovery After 600 Sessions Behavioral Therapy : 72% Recovery After 22 Sessions Hypnotherapy: 93% Recovery After 6 Sessions
Frequently Asked Questions
- How does hypnosis work?
- Can I be hypnotized?
- What will I experience?
- Will I lose control?
- How many sessions will I need?
- Does insurance pay for hypnotherapy?
- Religious stance on hypnosis
Since the subconscious mind is our driving force, we always do what our subconscious believes. We can reprogram old information into the subconscious by substituting new constructive suggestions for existing negative ones, and then with reinforcement, new habits and thinking patterns are established. This is why clients often state that their new changes and responses seem “easy and effortless” since using hypnosis.
While using hypnosis the brain releases a chemical called Endorphin from the Hippocampus of the Brain, which are equalivent to 200mg. of morphine, as well as numerous other neurochemicals that allow your body to alleviate pain and increase mood.
While experiencing hypnosis your body will feel more peaceful and relaxed than it has ever felt before. Because of this deeply relaxed state, oxygenation is increased to all the muscles of the body allowing them to relax and release long held tension.
Generally speaking, nine out of ten people can be hypnotized. Since hypnosis can be an accumulative state in some clients, with more practice your results will only improve.
Hypnosis is a naturally occurring phenomenon, we actually go in and out of hypnosis constantly while watching an interesting program on television, reading a book, driving a car or even daydreaming.
People respond to hypnosis in different ways. Some describe their experience as an altered state of consciousness; others describe hypnosis as a normal state of focused attention, in which they feel very calm and relaxed. Once a state of hypnosis is achieved, a therapist will offer suggestions specifically geared to your goals. For example, it is possible to suggest to a person with Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction, that they relax the jaw muscles and then direction is given for the proper position of the jaw to stop the clinching and grinding process.( A person coming in for medical hypnotherapy must be under the direction of a medical provider) While a person whom wishes to achieve weight loss, might receive a suggestion to each balanced meals with no desire to snack and make healthy food choices. Your unconscious mind can then transmit these thoughts and images throughout your mind and body, setting the healing process in motion. A recording of the session will be made to reinforce the suggestions given to you and allow for practice sessions at home.
Over the years, there have been many misconceptions about hypnotherapy. Parlor tricks and stage shows aside, clinical hypnotherapist will not make you quack like a duck or sing like Barbara Streisand. A person using hypnosis is always in control, just as someone who is daydreaming can decide to go on or stop the process at any time. While a hypnotherapist serves as a teacher or a guide, the only person who can hypnotize you is YOU. Therefore, all hypnosis is truly self-hypnosis.
A typical course of hypnotherapy may require anywhere from one to six sessions depending on your on your hypnotizability and response to treatment. As well as your commitment to practice the process at home.
Flex spending and HSA plans do cover your hypnosis sessions. Insurance is not accepted by my office as a form of payment; however, you will receive an insurance reimbursement form at the time you pay for your visit, which includes all of the pertinent insurance coding numbers for reimbursement.
Some insurance companies do offer benefits for hypnosis. Each company is different, check with your company to see if hypnosis is a covered benefit.
LDS Church Stance on Hypnotherapy
LDS Church Spokeswoman Kim Farah provided an official statement on the Church’s position on hypnosis in the Daily Universe BYU newspaper on November 3, 2004.
“Members of the church should not participate in hypnosis demonstrations for entertainment,” Farah said. “The use of hypnosis under competent, professional, medical supervision for the treatment of disease or mental disorder is a medical question to be determined by a competent medical authority.”
While the LDS Church is clear on it’s stance toward hypnosis demonstrations, the medical use of hypnosis is left to be decided by church members and medical experts.
Aaron Aldridge, a local hypnotherapist in Orem, further explains that when people are hypnotized, they will not do anything they normally would not do and cannot be forced to do anything against their will.
While in hypnosis, a hypnotist will suggest certain emotions, feelings or mindsets contrary to the old ,negative thoughts and conditions currently held by the client. The client always retains consent to accept the new suggestions or not. All hypnosis is truly self-hypnosis.
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