Insomnia Relief and Sleep Disorders

Enjoyable, safe and non-habit forming: Hypnosis has been shown to help people fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep through the night. Researchers in England compared the sleep inducing ability of sleeping pills, hypnosis, and a placebo on volunteer insomniacs. Some of the volunteers learned to put themselves in a “warm, safe place” and were able to fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep better than either the drug or the placebo group. The Theta state of mind achieved during hypnosis, will allow your mind to become quiet and peaceful, letting go of the daily distracting thoughts that interfere with sleep.

Using audio hypnosis sessions prior to falling asleep, along with good sleep hygiene, begins to change the patterns of insomnia and allow for a restorative sleep process. You will awaken feeling refreshed and ready to start a new day.

*You can find further information about the outcome of Insomnia and the use of Hypnosis in the “Journal of Sleep”; December 2003 issue.

For a complete brochure and further information about “Insomnia and the use of Hypnosis” or to schedule an appointment, please email your address to or call 801-942-6175

Click here to download your first session or insomnia session and sleep better tonight. Or contact to set up an appointment by phone or in office. 801-942-6175

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**Multiple hypnosis sessions may be needed to obtain your goals with hypnosis. Call to schedule an individual session, customized to your unique needs. Hypnosis is never a replacement for regular medical treatment. Hypnosis is often best used in conjunction with other wellness processes to achieve your desired results and outcomes. Please never listen to your download while driving or operating mechanical equipment.**

HypnoBirthing® Classes include 5 classes, Beginning with a FREE Information and Registration Class, held the last Friday of each month at the Salt Lake City location. Call or email to register now.

HypnoBirthing Class fees are frequently reimbursed to you by your insurance company