Enjoy the Full HypnoBirthing Course in the Comfort of Your Own Home.
Jolene has over 28 years of hypnosis experience and has taught over 2000 couples the HypnoBirthing program. She was trained by the founder of the HypnoBirthing program: Marie Mongan. Jolene is uniquely qualified to assist you in your birth, from her training as a staff member at the LDS Hospital Pain Clinic and having worked with as well as being recommended by, many of Utah’s foremost OBGYN’s and Midwives. “It is my goal and deepest desire to assist you in achieving the comfortable, natural birth that you desire.”
What is HypnoBirthing
Marie Mongan M. Ed., M. Hy, created HypnoBirthing®. (Certified Hypno-anesthesiologist) in an effort to allow mother, baby and birth companion a means in ehich the true art and joy of birth could be experienced. HypnoBirthing® combines a Natural Childbirth approach with the use of self-hypnosis to create harmony between your mind and body. The birth process can then be experienced in a more safe, calm and serene way for mother, baby, and birth companion.
Generally, the pain that accompanies the birthing process is brought abot by the fear of intense labor. Fear creates a chemical response in the body producing catecholamine, which deprives the uterus of oxygenated blood that allows the uterus to function most effectively. When muscles do not function correctly, dilation does not occur properly and pain is created.
Through the education that the HypnoBirthing® classes provides, mothers are able to condition their minds and bodies in such a way that allows them to remain calm, yet alert, during the birthing process. Diminishing, if not eliminating, the painful sensations previously associated with birth, due to the release of endorphins. Since endorphins are 200 times stronger than morphine, mothers report producing their own natural epidural.
HypnoBirthing® Classes include 5 classes, Beginning with a FREE Information and Registration Class, held the last Friday of each month at the Salt Lake City location. Call or email to register, ideally in your second trimester.
HypnoBirthing Class fees are frequently reimbursed to you by your insurance company
The following are more advantages of the HypnoBirthing® Program:
- Eliminates the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome before, during, and after birthing.
- Reduces the need for chemical anesthesia.
- Eliminates fatigue during labor, leaving the mother fresh, awake, and with the energy needed to bring her baby into the worked.
- Shortens the first stage of labor and delivery by several hours
- Brings together the mother, the baby, and the birthing companion in a wonderful prenatal and prenatal bonding experience.
- The birthing companion is an integral part of the birthing, not an onlooker.
- Postnatal recovery is rapid and easier
- Babies are better adjusted and happier.
- Mothers do not run the risk of hyperventilating from shallow breathing.
- Birthing is returned to the beautiful, peaceful experience that nature intended.
HypnoBirthing® is a unique method of relaxed, natural childbirth education enhanced by self‑hypnosis and guided imagery techniques that allow women to use their natural abilities to bring about safer, easier, and more comfortable birthing.
Research Based Medicine: HypnoBirthing Mothers are making choices and creating change
- Only 17% of HypnoBirthing mothers birthed via C-Section compared to the National Average of 32%
- 5% of HypnoBirthing mothers choose to birth in the comfort of their own homes or Birth Centers. The National average is less than 1% for home birthers
- Only 23% of HypnoBirthing mothers birthing vaginally had epidural anesthesia compared to the national average of 71%
- HypnoBirthing mothers used far fewer medical interventions during their labors. Less need for IV fluids, Pitocin augmentation, Perineal stitches, less need for episiotomy and less need for IV analgesia.
- HypnoBirthing mothers reported fewer low birth weight babies
After giving birth HypnoBirthing moms report feeling, powerful and competent. They loved having their partners involved and bonding with their newborns.
77% of HypnoBirthers said that they would definitely use HypnoBirthing again and 87% said they would recommend HypnoBirthing to others.
We wanted to say thank you for helping us have the most amazing birthing experience with Hypnobirthing. Our babies were born December 13th. 6lb 12oz and 6lb 11oz. It couldn’t have gone better! It was so calm in the room, no one believed I wasn’t given any medication. IT WAS PERFECT! No C section! No Meds! First question I got asked from visitors “how bad was it”? “Was it horrible”? And I told them it couldn’t have been better! I’m so glad we took your class and had this experience. Our beautiful babies were born into the world with a calm and loving feeling, who could ask for anything better!