Hi, this is Dusty form your Park City class. I wanted to email you earlier but I have been taking care of my baby!!Our baby come on September 16th after being a week overdue. Here is my successful HypnoBirthing story that I want to share. My labor was great and everything I was hoping for. I was induced on Thursday, with dilation pills, and nothing was progressing past 1.5cm at 10:00pm. Danielle Demeter CNM decided to give me the night off and we would try again the next day. That night I labored using hypnosis myself and slept. The nurse checked me when I finally told her I was feeling a need to push around 5:00am. I was fully dilated to 10cm. and she called Danielle. My baby was born at 6am. No pain, no epidural, no fuss and no tearing!! My baby’s name is Augustus Curtis and he weighed 8.5 lbs. I am so glad I attended your classes and learned these skills. I loved Danielle and Park City Hospital nurses too.
Thanks for your help,